Family Resource Network
Mineral County

Managed By: Dayla Harvey

    In loving memory of Gerri Mason   

  8/13/1964 to 10/8/2019

The Gerri Mason Family Support Center will now offer physical needs assistance thanks to funds from the DHHR. 

Services are available to all Mineral County county families with children. Needs include (but are not limited to) baby essentials, hygiene items, clothing, food emergencies, and more. Families must fall in the income guidelines (per the DHHR mandate), see below. 

The GMFSC does NOT pay for utilities/rent or mortgage, phone, internet or other monthly bills. We can assist you in working with one of our many community partners. 

Our Service Navigator can also help you with further services, calling agencies on your behalf, helping you sign up for assistance, etc. 

Note that all applications are subject to approval.

This program is while supplies and funds last.